2019 Painting
Tread on Aqua I / 水を踏む I
pigment on kouzo-paper 73.0 × 53.0cm
Tone of WingsⅢ / 羽音Ⅲ
pigment on mashi-paper 194.0 x130.0 cm
Tone of Wings Ⅴ / 羽音 Ⅴ
pigment on mashi-paper 194.0 x 130.0cm
Tread on Aqua Ⅲ / 水を踏む Ⅲ
pigment on mashi-paper 130.0 x 194.0 cm
Tread on Aqua Ⅱ / 水を踏む Ⅱ
pigment on mashi-paper 130.0 x 194.0 cm
Tone of Wings Ⅱ/ 羽音 Ⅱ
pigment on kouzo-paper 61x91cm
private collection
Tone of Wings Ⅰ/ 羽音 Ⅰ
pigment watercolor-based mdeium on mashi-paper 53.0 x73.0cm
Tone of Wings Ⅵ/ 羽音 Ⅵ
pigment on kouzo-paper 73.0 x53.0cm