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  Rhythm of the Earth27
Rhythm of the Earth24 Rhythm of the Earth25 Rhythm of the Earth21

Group exhibition "The New Year 21st Century Exhibition" will be held on 1.11 Sat.ー31. Fri. 2025 at GALERIE PARIS



The fourth "Studio 138" PDF version has been uploaded. (May. 2024)

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The fourth "Studio 138" annual booklet has been uploaded to the Exhibition&Blog on the website.

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Catalog PDF version「Six Abstract Painters:The Artist's "Size" and "Scale"」 has been uploaded.

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Video of 「Six Abstract Painters :The Artist's "Size" and "Scale"」at GALERIE PARIS is available.

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Group Exhibition

「Six Abstract Painters:The Artist's "Size" and "Scale"」will be held on 10.24 Tue.ー11.5 Sun. at GALERIE PARIS in Yokohama

(The Exhibition was ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)


・Press Releass


・Exhibition Catalog




The third "Studio 138" PDF version has been uploaded. (Jun. 2023)

more details


The third "Studio 138" annual booklet has been uploaded to the Exhibition&Blog on the website.

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Ship's board artwork on the wall of the passageway at "Tadanoumi Shugakko" in Hiroshima has been completed.

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Video of Makiko Yamaguchi's solo exhibition "rhythm of the Earth" at msb gallery is available.

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Makiko Yamaguchi ”Rhythm of the Earth” will be held on 5.18 Thu.- 5.28 Sun. 2023 at msb gallery in Tokyo

(The Exhibition was ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)


Group exhibition "The New Year 21st Century Exhibition" will be held on 1.14 Sat.ー31. Tue. 2023 at GALERIE PARIS


(The Exhibition was ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)


We are creating ship's board artwork on the wall of the passageway at "Tadanoumi Shugakko" in Hiroshima.

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Makiko Yamaguchi ExhibitionーEarth Spirit at GALERIE PARIS exhibition image has been uproaded on the website.

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Makiko Yamaguchi ExhibitionーEarth Spirit will be held on 9.2.Fri.~9.10 Sat. 2022 at GALERIE PARISi" in Yokohama

(The Exhibition was ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)GALERIE PARIS


The second "Studio 138" PDF version has been uploaded. (Apr 2022)

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The second "Studio 138" annual booklet has been published. It has been uploaded to the Exhibition&Blog on the website.

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"Pictorially yours," Catalog PDF version has been uploaded.

more details


Group exhibition "The New Year 21st Century Exhibition" will be held on 1.14 Fri.ー31 Mon. 2022 at GALERIE PARIS


(The Exhibition was ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)



"Pictorially yours," Exhibiton image is uploaded to the Exhibition&Blog on the website.

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Group exhibition "Pictrially yours," will be held on 11.1.Mon.~13.Sat. 2021 at GALERIE OMOTESANDO "Pictrially yours", on Gallery HP

(The Exhibition was ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)




The first "Studio 138" PDF version has been uploaded.

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The very first "Studio 138" annual booklet has been published. It has been uploaded to the Exhibition&Blog on the website.

more details



Makiko Yamaguchi Painting Exhibition -Among the Trees- will be held on 10.5.Thurs.~17.Tue. 2017 at Houkodou "Fude no eki" in Hiroshima more details

(The exhibition ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)



Makiko Yamaguchi Exhibition -Among the Trees- will be held on 6.9.Fri.- 17.Sat. 2017 at GALLERY ECRUNOMORI in Mishima.more details

GALLERY Ecrunomori

(The exhibition ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)



Makiko Yamaguchi Exhibition -Among the Trees- will be held on 1.5.Thurs.- 1.14.Sat. 2017 at Gallery Cafe Jalona in Akasaka Tokyo. more details

(The exhibition ended. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery.)



”Dawn of the forest” Group Exhibition was held in Bunkamura Boxgallery next to the Tokyu Department Shibuya.

13.Sat~21.Sun.Aug.2016 more details



Scenery of "Makiko Yamaguchi Exhibition" at Gallery Cafe x Jalona has been updated more details



Makiko Yamaguchi Exhibition -Works on Paper- was held on 12.Tue.-23. Sat. May at Gallery Cafe Jalona in Akasaka Tokyo. more details



Moving image of the workshop "Try to draw the tone " has been uploaded



Work shop "Try to draw the tone" was held on 16.sun Nov 2014 at Gallery ecrunomori more details  



Makiko Yamaguchi Painting Exhibition will be held at Gallery ecrunomori in Mishima on 13th.thurs-29th.sat November 2014. more details 



"Birdsong-Riverside7-" which I painted was accepted for the Sompo Japan Art Award Exhibition FACE 2014. This wil be held on 22th sat Feb. - 30th.sun Mar. at SOMPO JAPAN MUSEUM OF ART. more details



Makiko Yamaguchi Painting Exhibition will be held on 14.tue-25.sat Jan. 2014 at Gallery x Cafe Jalona in Akasaka Tokyo. more details



Comany Art Award 2013 which was held at the site of Tokyo Desiner`s Weeks on 2th November. I have received the award. more details



Painting Exhibition "FACE THE FAR EAST vol.2" was held at Galerie Omotesando from 2.4.mon~9.sat. more details was renewed in March 2013. I will update Paintings,Drawings,Movies and Blog of my art exhibition photographs. Please take a look at the website